Why are in-office teeth whitening reliable, efficient, and effective?

Professional teeth whitening is becoming an ultimate choice for people having stained or discolored teeth. Even though there are over-the-counter teeth whitening kits available in the market, none can provide quick and instant results as the in-office teeth whitening from a dental office does. You can experience whitening effects instantly compared to at-home teeth whitening kits that produce results after several days, weeks, or even months. In addition, you can be confident that your teeth whitening Kingwood process is taken care of by a qualified and certified dentist who knows what to do and how to do it. Usually, a change in the color of the teeth can be witnessed within one hour of the teeth whitening procedure. However, more dental visits may be required if the patient is looking for optimal whiteness for their teeth. 

Reasons for Stains In Teeth

Teeth can become stained due to a wide variety of reasons. Tea, coffee, and acidic beverages such as soda can easily cause stains on the teeth. Smoking can also cause the teeth to become yellowish in appearance. The teeth can naturally become darker as we age. Even the presence of any infections or disease can cause discoloration of the teeth. Teeth whitening is an ideal solution for people with stained teeth due to any of the problems mentioned above. 

Dentist Will Check Your Eligibility First

Even if you go to a dental office to undergo teeth whitening, the dentist will determine whether you are eligible for the treatment or not. For example, the whitening of a tooth may look unnatural, especially if the person has already undergone tooth-colored fillings. At times, the dentist determines that a professional dental cleaning may be all that is required to make your teeth look clean and bright. During the dental cleaning process, the dentist removes the plaque and tartar that have accumulated between the teeth and gum line, thus making your teeth clean and healthy. 

The Procedure

After making the teeth clean and if teeth whitening Kingwood is still required for you, the dentist will show you different shades of whiteness that can be achieved using the teeth whitening procedure. The dentist will determine, along with you, the best shade of white that is proper for you. Before beginning the teeth whitening procedure, the dentist will polish the teeth to ensure the stains on the tooth surface are removed. The teeth that will be whitened will be isolated using a thin sheet of latex or a special gel that provides a seal around the teeth. The tooth whitener or bleaching gel is then applied to the teeth in the right proportion and under a controlled environment so that the soft tissues are not damaged. It is then left for achieving the desired results. The dentist will use a laser or light source to activate the bleaching agent. 

By undergoing teeth whitening Kingwood treatment, you can have a white shade of teeth for a long time. It can also boost a person’s self-esteem. Schedule an appointment with your nearest cosmetic dentist in Kingwood to determine whether teeth whitening is right for you.

Preventative Dental Treatment in Kingwood

For healthy teeth and a beautiful smile, preventative care is essential. Instruction, treatment, and proper oral hygiene routine are part of preventive dental treatments. Cavities, enamel wear, and gingivitis are all prevented with these procedures. Schedule an appointment with a Kingwood dentist. 

Dental Treatments for Preventive Care

A Comprehensive Oral Exam: 

The dentist will perform a comprehensive oral examination during your dental appointment, which may include any of the following:

Oral Cancer Screening:

The dentist will look for signs of oral cancer in the areas of your neck, lips, tongue, face, throat, gums, and tissues.

X-rays (radiographs) diagnose tumors, cysts, decay, and bone loss. Dentists also use X-rays to locate roots and teeth during surgeries.

Gum disease examination:

Your dentist may perform a periodontal disease examination on the gums and bones surrounding your teeth.

Recent restorations will also be examined for possible defects if you have had fillings, crowns, or implants.

Cleansing and Oral Hygiene

Dental cleaning is usually included as part of preventative dental treatment.

Plaque is a slimy, pale film of bacteria, food particles, and saliva. The bacteria are toxic, and unless they are removed, they can lead to cavities and gum inflammation.

Tartar removal:

Tartar is a calcified plaque that forms on the tooth’s surface. It usually develops beneath or above the gum line and can only be removed using specialized dental tools.

Teeth polishing:

When performed by a qualified dentist, polishing removes stains and plaque from the teeth, making them appear cleaner.

Dental Sealants 

Dental sealants can help protect your teeth from decay if they are applied correctly. A dental sealant is a thin sheet of plastic applied to the grooves of the teeth, most commonly the back teeth, because they are used for chewing. The sealant protects food debris and bacteria that cause tooth cavities.

The dentist will use air abrasion to remove stains to clean your teeth thoroughly. It only takes 30 minutes to an hour to apply dental sealants. After that, the teeth’s surface will be abraded to ensure that the sealant adheres well to it.

The sealant will be applied to the grooves after drying the teeth’ surface. The dentist will then harden the sealant, fusing it solidly to the teeth for maximum protection, using a laser or ultraviolet light. When the sealant passes the dentist’s final examination, the procedure is complete.

Education on Home Care

Preventing oral health issues necessitates at-home care. Your health depends on your oral health. The Kingwood dentist will discuss what oral hygiene measures you should take at home during your appointments.

Treatment of Fluoride

Fluoride is a cost-effective way to keep your teeth and gums healthy in the future, avoiding costly procedures. Fluoride strengthens teeth by remineralizing deteriorated areas of the enamel. Prevent tooth decay; it also prevents bacteria from producing acids.

Fluoride treatment can be completed in just one dental visit.

Please contact our dental office in Kingwood, TX, if you have any additional questions or concerns, and our Kingwood staff will be happy to assist you.

Dentures: Definition & Benefits

Dentures may be the best solution if you have missing teeth. They can assist you in regaining your confidence and feeling at ease in social situations. Continue reading to learn more! All of your inquiries about dentures have been answered by our dentists at Floss Dental Of Kingwood.

What Are Dentures?

Before moving on to the next step, we need to determine which Kingwood dentist made your dentures. As quickly as possible, get your dentures! The majority of these are false teeth used to fill up gaps caused by tooth loss. They are put into your mouth and are attached to a metal frame. They help you regain your old functionality and get back to your routine. They resemble your actual teeth in appearance and feel. As a result, these appliances are both cost-effective and functional.

Benefits Of Dentures

Dentures give many dental health benefits. For a better understanding, your dentist in Kingwood has listed them underneath.

Better Quality Of Life

Periodontitis is one of the primary causes of tooth loss and poor overall health in the elderly. The advantages of dentures do not end there. When you wear dentures made of high-quality materials manufactured by skilled dental care professionals, you can reduce inflammation while alleviating the irritation of poorly fitting or constructed dentures. You’ll be able to live a happier, more vibrant life with increased chewing comfort and oral health.

Better Dental Health

A lack of teeth can cause many oral health issues. Dentures can help you lower your chance of developing dental problems like gum disease. To protect their jawbone against tooth loss, many patients choose implant-supported dentures.

Helps Look Younger

Dentures can help keep the shape of your face and prevent sagging cheeks and lips. They keep your face looking full and give you a natural-looking smile. Dentures from your Kingwood dentist can fill in the gaps and give you a huge smile you’ve always wanted, whether you’re missing a few teeth or a complete arch.

No Problems While Eating Or Speaking

Speaking and eating can be challenging when teeth are absent. You won’t have to worry about speech difficulties with high-quality dentures, and you’ll be able to talk freely. You won’t have to worry about your dentures sliding or slipping out while eating your favorite dishes. Consult your dentist in Kingwood for more information.

Easy To Take Care Of

Dentures are relatively simple to clean. It is recommended to brush them every day, soak them overnight, and remove and clean them after each meal. These three suggestions can help keep your dentures in good condition for many years.

Improved Confidence

Self-esteem might be harmed by tooth loss. On the other hand, natural-looking dentures can help you reclaim a gorgeous smile that you want to show off! If you didn’t have to settle for a self-conscious smile, that would be ideal.

We hope this blog has helped you to learn more about dentures. Get in touch with us at Floss Dental for the best dentures in Kingwood, TX.