Dental cleaning might seem to be the simplest purpose of a visit to your dentist. But it is one of the most important ones! In this article we are here to discuss two important verticals of the process of dental cleaning: when you need them and how are they executed. Let us move straight into the central focus of our topic of discussion…
When Do you Need a Dental Cleaning? Do you Really Need it?
Has your dentist recently advised you to walk in for a deep cleaning process? If so, you perhaps have no reasons to guess that he might just be trying to make some extra bucks. He’s actually not! But how do you make it out?
Try noticing something in your teeth. If you find that the gums have become so diseased that they are pulling away from the teeth and creating spaces called ‘pockets’ and even exposing the bone, you know that your dentist could go for nothing but a deep cleaning. Deep cleaning is short of actual surgery and a rather invasive procedure that creates sounds that might be annoying to some and less disturbing to others. Worse still, the thought of deep cleaning sounds often result in some amounts of dental anxiety.
Your dentist in fact goes through X-rays and other examining processes before determining that your teeth need a deep cleaning. So don’t sit back thinking that you should only go for it if your insurance provides for the same! It is a rather essential procedure, which, if neglected, might bear dire consequences!
What Does Dental Cleaning Resolve?
The plethora of bacteria in our mouths often mixes with other substances to form sticky plaque on teeth. The plaque that does not get brushed or flossed away hardens to form a substance known as tartar. This causes inflammation of the gums, characterized by redness which could bleed easily. This is when your dentist or hygienist suggests a deep dental cleaning for you.
When pockets become deep enough, the teeth can become loose and may even be lost. Your dentist measures the depth of the pockets before recommending a professional cleaning. Healthy gums are supposed to have pockets that measure no more than 3 mm. A little more than that hints that your teeth are in trouble!
How is Does your Dentist go About the Deep Cleaning Process?
Deep cleaning has two parts – scaling and root planing. Scaling is when your dentist removes the plaque or tartar from both above and below your gum line. This ensures that all the way down to the bottom of the pocket has been perfectly cleaned. Root planing follows this. Its purpose is, smoothing out your teeth roots to aid reattachment of the gums to your teeth. Scaling and root planing may take more than one visit and often requires a local anesthetic too.
A dental cleaning process necessarily requires some after-care steps. Your dentist might prescribe an antibiotic for the infection or an over-the-counter pain reliever to ease any discomfort. Once you get rid of your problem, do not forget to get into the habit of regular oral hygiene so that the you do not get into the same trouble once more!